
Monday, January 7, 2013

Priceless Treasures....

The first Sunday of every month, the Antique mall where we have our booth, has a 2 hour period before the mall opens, where just the dealers get to go in and add more treasures, rearrange the booth, and chat with fellow antiquers. It was a great day for us as my mother and I had gone out a couple days before on a big treasure hunting trip!
We found lots of goodies, and my husband and I had finished re-purposing a few items that added to the booth! 
Treasure hunting is amazing. I just love picking through all the old, dirty, rust covered treasures to see what we can find. I often think... boy, if they just made things like they used to... but they don't! I don't know whether it is lack of innovation, laziness, or just the fact that manufactures, want to produce and shove items out the door as fast as they can to make as much money as they can.... but its sad. These items... treasures from the past are priceless.
I look at them and wonder... what is the story. Did this teacup travel here from another country as a gift from one family member to another? Whose house did this shabby chic, chippy medicine cabinet come from? How many of these vintage ornaments belonged to someones grandma?
I hope, if/when you come across a antique/vintage find... you think about the story, and the fact that the item is priceless, because if you just toss the treasure to the curb, you wont find anything as truly beautiful like it again.... 


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! You'll be addicted in no time! haha

    And thank you for the sweet comments. I hope you'll stop by my blog tomorrow night for the linky party. There will be tons of vintage inspiration and eye candy-


    1. Thanks Linsey! I missed this linky party but will grab the next one!

  2. Your space looks great! I wish our store did that, we just go in during regular store hours. It can be difficult sometimes!

    1. Thanks debbie! yes, the time is great to get what we need done. You should suggest it to your store!

  3. I would love to start a space. I have so much stuff to get rid of and love hunting like you. Thanks for stopping by and welcome to blogging.

    1. It's a great time, but a lot of work! Thanks for stopping by Kim!

  4. New follower. I found you through Kim at Savvy Southern Style. Welcome to blogging.
