
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Funday Sunday!

One of the major issues with being "in the business", is that you want to keep everything you find. And I do mean everything. We recently hit the Midland Antiques Festival, and here are a couple of the goodies we found! They are right up my alley and it is perfect timing because we are adding a second booth in the Antique Mall. We are very excited and going to theme the new booth (which is actually a corner booth) in more of a primitive/country style look and keep our first booth as the shabby chic theme. Hope you are as excited as we are about these items! Enjoy!

**This old, chippy medicine cabinet was calling my name the minute I saw it. I shamelessly ran over to it as if someone was chasing me screaming BUY IT BUY IT! I can not tell you why I have become so obsessed with them, but I think I have about 5 sitting in my living room waiting to be taken over to the antique booth!  I am defiantly not touching. Someone who loves chippy old picks will adore this! 

**So, I am standing outside of a booth at the festival, that just didn't appeal to me, while my friend shopped it, which I spotted this awesome sign. I bolted into the booth, thinking that it had to be well above my price range, and saw that I could give this dealer as much as we usually spend on a trip to the local fast food place! I couldn't bare to try to talk him down either, because his price was fair, and I wanted this sign! I didn't get three booths down when someone stopped me and asked where I got this awesome sign! 

**Some people may look at this picture below and say "it's a box. A BOX" but me, I get so excited over this. The charming locking set in front, the handles on the side, the patina all around it beautiful. I think someone is going to love taking this box home. I just know it!

**Now this... this is a beauty. It needs a little hug, but it is a beauty. I just look at this piece and wonder.... where has it been, what kind of "bread n cakes" did it hold, what child put those stickers on the front and what were the stickers of? I can see a housewife of the 1950's storing her homemade cakes in it. A little clean up work, and it will be a great pick for someone.

So, we enjoyed ourselves, and we got some great picks. Now it is time to get to work as the move in date for our new booth is approaching! 

---The best book to learn antiques from is the checkbook---


  1. You definitely found some treasures. My favorite is the bread and cakes box. So nostalgic! I long to have an antique booth, but I seriously would want to keep everything I found to put in it! I would be my own customer, so to speak. I appreciate you finding my blog - I've gladly returned the follow. :)

    Hugs from Oklahoma,

    P.S. Your background design is perfect for you!

    1. It is so true Meredith! I am my best customer! But since we bought a new house, we are pretty thrifty as we are shopping for the booth and repurposing to sell, so we can use items we find in our house decor too! :) Thanks for the follow!

  2. Looks like some great finds! Love the medicine cabinet. Stop by my Friday's Five Features and link up this post (and others)! (PS. I love the background of your blog!)

    1. Thanks Vintage Chic! Heading over to your blog now! My blog background is causing some issues as you can see on my pages tabs, but we are working on it, so I appreciate you saying you love it, because its making the work worth it!

    2. I hope it works out! It's a great background! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Great Finds! Would love for you to share at Simple & Sweet Fridays. New Follower!


    1. Thanks Jody and Stan! I followed you back on GFC, and entered my link in the party. Look forward to checking out more of what you do over there, I just love what i've seen so far! Especially the plate garden stakes!

  4. It is nice to have a booth so everything you love can rotate about the house then over to the antique store! Love that chippy white cabinet.

    1. Thanks Donna! Yes, I have a medicine cabinet addiction right now hahaaha!

  5. Kristen, I'm absolutely, positively GA-GA over the bread/cake box at the end. Oh my goodness did you ever find a wonderful find. Love it.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you too and on G+ as well.


  6. What fun to see your finds! I love the sign!! I know what you mean about the box. It's just a both to others, but you saw something special.

    1. Thanks Jeanne! Stop on by our Wonderful Wednesdays linky party! Its active now and everyones invited!

  7. Wow...your finds are amazing and fun! I am in love with the medicine cabinet!!! You sure did fabulously! TFS...hugs...

  8. Oh you found some amazing things Kristen!!!
    I'm your newest follower ( you left a sweet comment on my blog inviting me to a party - but think I was too late )
    Big hugs

    1. Thanks Suzan! We do have a kinky parky going on right now. Check my homepage out and it should be the closest post to the top

  9. Thanks for partying with us last week. We loved your finds! I may have to quit my job so I have more junking time. Please come back on Friday. Craft Frenzy Friday
