
Monday, August 19, 2013

Starting Fresh

Hubby and I decided to go in for dealer Sunday this month and rearrange the booth. It was very much needed. And I'm not talking moving a few things around, I am talking a complete upheaval. Things were just all blending in together (a good indication that they have been that way for too long), and over time, things become messy and disorganized. So, we went in, pulled everything out, and started fresh. Here are some pics of the aftermath! 

I am still so shocked that this beautiful vintage Ethan Allen re-purposed dresser hasn't sold. I cant believe a soon to be mommy hast come in and grabbed this up for their daughter! Its baffling to me that some items go out the door, and some items just wont!

I wish you could see the table better, but the chairs and the table are my moms doing. And I think she did a fab job!

This chippy dresser (what a beauty heh?!), well I thought it was a steal (someone else thought it was too I guess because it has since sold), but I sooooo wanted to keep this piece. It is so perfectly chippy! Now, sadly, it is gone and won't be heading up my stairs any time soon.

This is another piece that I am shocked hasn't sold yet. A cute light gray retro kidney shaped desk, with a pretty pink knob and a vanity chair to go with it! Guess the right person just needs to walk in!

So, those are my updates from the booth. Hope you all enjoy as much as we enjoy the pieces themselves!


  1. I enjoyed looking through your booth. Maybe your vanity and dresser will sell soon. They are both perfectly charming and pretty.


  2. Beautiful pieces Karen - that pink dresser is gorgeous!!!
    I've just repainted a piece that didn't sell either - it always amazes me how the pieces I think will fly out the door hand around a little too long!
