
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Christmas treat that's easy as 1 - 2 - 3! Good for the kiddos too!

Let's admit it folks... the holidays are upon us. Over the past few years, I have to admit that I have sort of meshed Thanksgiving and Christmas all into one. I can't help it! I LOVE the holidays! It is the last glimmer of happy, smiles and love before us Michiganders get snowed in and people start to get.... ANGRY. Ok... Ok, maybe that is going a little far, but seriously, things get a bit tough around here, so I enjoy the holidays to the fullest, and that includes cooking and baking my little heart out! Now maybe this wouldn't even fall into the baking category for most people, but you know what.... the oven was on, I had the fireplace going, a Christmas(y) movie on and pushed out a tray of these in minutes!

It is a great treat to make for your neighbors, to add to a cookie tray, or to send with your kid to school. YES! They can help too because literally, it is one of the simplest treats you can make for the holidays.

Here is what you need:

Preheat oven to 350
*M&M's (regular, dark, peanut, peanut butter, peppermint - or any flavor that you would like!)
*Baking sheet

Place the pretzels on the baking sheet. Unwrap Rolos and place one Rolo on each pretzel. Bake at 350 for around 5 minutes. You want them soft, but not melted everywhere!
Take them out and place a M&M in the middle of each by gently - and I mean gently - pressing down. You want to try not to break the caramel out, or else they will stick to the baking sheet. Then let cool! You have got yourself a simple, yummy and easy treat to make for the holidays!

A note - make sure to get your Rolos early, the stores have a habit of running out during the holidays!

Happy early holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm always thrilled for a new treat and these look yummy. Never knew that there might be a Rolo shortage though! I also know what you mean about getting Angry... we Minnesotans start out thrilled about the snow, but by March we are so sick of it. Then we all fly to Florida or Mexico...
