
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sweet Cornbread and Cinnamon Honey Butter

I just love cooking and baking. I love being in the kitchen with I Love Lucy, or a holiday movie (depending on the season) on my kitchen TV... I just love the days I get to do this.

Lately, I have been wanting to experiment, and I have been seeing a lot of cornbread recipes floating around Pinterest, so it got me thinking.... maybe that is what I will try next! I am sort of a cornbread snob. I get very picky when it comes to the texture and taste. If it is dry and hard... its a no no for me! The cornbread I love the most - Boston Market. We all know that this is some of the best corn bread around. Trust me, they aren't paying me to say that. I received no corn bread in lieu of that statement. It just is what it is. A warm, sweet slice of corn bread... nothing says comfort more than this.

So I looked around for some ideas on how to get the taste that Boston Market has, and I found this recipe hanging around everywhere. It seemed too simple to be true. Could it be that easy? Well let's try it why don't we?

Here is what you need:
1 box of Jiffy cornbread mix
1 box of Jiffy yellow cake mix
2 eggs
Milk and water

Pour both the cornbread mix and the yellow cake mix together in a mixing bowl, then add the rest of the ingredients to it per the package. Mix it all together, and pour into a 8x8 square baking dish. Bake per the package. Of course I checked it several times as I did not want it to overcook, so I suggest doing that. Even though the cake mix helps the softness of this recipe, you can make anything dry and hard if you aren't careful.

This cornbread got me thinking... wouldn't it be nice to have some sweet butter to go with this? Some Cinnamon Honey Butter to be exact? Yes... of course it would! Plus, as someone with PCOS, I can always have more cinnamon! It helps metabolize sugar! And it is so simple and quick, I just had to give it a shot. With a little research, I decided to do this:

1 stick of butter, room temp (soft) - NOT MELTED
1/4 cup of powdered sugar
Honey and Cinnamon to taste**

**Yes, I said "to taste" - the reason is, is because I like it a little more on the cinnamon side, and hubby likes honey, so he would like it more on the honey tasting side. Do not be afraid of this, just add a little at a time, and taste as you go!

I hope you give this a shot, because it really turned out great, and of course, it was even better because I got the thumbs up from hubby on the cornbread! He said it was even better than Boston Markets! I don't know about all that, but it was nice anyway! Next up, I am going to get him to try the butter :)


But since you're asking me, I'll tell you my opinion: all cornbread is authentic, as long as it's good, hot, and made with love and fresh ingredients.
-Jeremy Jackson

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  1. Yum, yum, yum! Definitely going to try this! Love honey butter and the touch of cinnamon...oh my! Makes my mouth water to think about it. Thanks for sharing and for participating in Pinned it Made it Monday.

    Have a great week! :)

  2. This looks/sounds so good. I am a corn bread snob too. I would eat this for dessert. The honey/cinnamon butter is an awesome touch. Thanks for sharing your awesome recipe. Have a beautiful day!

  3. YUM YUM YUM!!!!! Love the combination and ready to spread it on my toast!!! Thanks for sharing! sending hugs...
