
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Great Junk Hunt

Hunting for junk.... a lot of people don't get it. They say "junk! What do you mean JUNK!?" And my response is always "the rustier, the chippy-er, the dirtier the better!". I love the old, lost, unloved junk. I love saving it from its almost certain death. Giving it a home, and someone to love it again.

Trust me, if I could keep it all myself, I would. But I can't, so I go on the hunt. The last outdoor flea market of the year in these parts would be considered extreme to most. I woke up at 4:00am and drove an hour and 15 minutes to get out of the car in the rain, and look through loads of wet treasures sprawled out on a race track.

It pretty much rained, or at least misted on us the entire time we were there. Things were dirty, wet and there were more than my fair share of bugs and spiders crawling on some of this stuff. It was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! There was one particular area that I liked the best. a whole yard full of tables, old windows, junk, salvage items (like items from old houses), and boxes and boxes full of JUNK. Then, they had trucks filled on the side with more junk that they just kept bringing out as stuff sold. HEAVEN!

We got there when it was about 7am, so it was kind of comical trying to rummage through things in the dark, in the rain, pulling a shopping cart, with a purse while everyone was pushing past you trying to get to things first! On top of that, the guys who were running it were screaming to each other and to us "who needs a price check! Dont pay attention to the tags! Make an offer!" It was great! Check out some of the great things I got...

What a beautiful old window right?! This one was hard to let go of! But again, I can't keep everything for myself!

Right when I saw this mirror/shelf combo, I was hooked. Look at that beautiful detail! It is SOOOO dirty in this pic, but I wanted to show you this version of it so you could see what we were dealing with out there!

 Aren't these porch posts beautiful! Like I said, the more chippy, the better! I keep thinking... what did the house look like that these came off of... and why was it torn down!?

 This was another one of my great picks of the day. It was leaning on an old truck behind the table and I almost didn't ask because it looked as if it was set there because it was already sold, but we decided to ask anyway, and ended up getting it for a steal! I can't wait to get this in my booth! can tell it was a great trip, my Equinox was completely packed at the end of the day! We couldn't fit one more thing in!

Later in the week after my big trip, I worked for almost 6 hours on pricing and fixing up my booths. Holy moly its a lot of work. Thought you might like to see some updated pics. This is what our primitive booth looks like right now. Its not all the way there, but it is going in the right direction I think!

Thanks for stopping by and seeing what we have been up to!

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  1. Oh what some sweet finds!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE that mirrored shelf. Your booth looks great! I've toyed with the idea of opening one...

  2. OMG I just went to JunkStock in Omaha last weekend!! I love all the treasures you found!! You can check my venture out at

  3. I need to find me one of those junkin' sales! What a blast!

  4. I love everything you found -- can't wait to see it at the mall!

  5. I am green with envy over all that rust and chippy paint. Your booth looks so appealing. I am a new follower.

  6. It looks like you did find some great stuff. I love going to yard sales, I need to keep my ear out and see if there is a good local flee market. ( adding that to my list of things to look up) Have a great day.
